[vtkusers] can probe filter achieve that or not?

Michael Knopke Michael.Knopke at gmx.de
Thu Mar 15 04:40:30 EDT 2007

Hi Tony,
>From what I understood this is not an issue with probefilter, rather with
vtkImageReslice and vtkTransform. You have to move your resliceplane along
the normal and always take a probe at the desired position. Since you feed
the whole imagedata (volume) to the probe it can take samples at every
position in the dataset. Hope I understood your question.
hi all;
Assuming that Pi(xi,yi,zi) is a position on the surface of a dataset and
Ni(xi,yi,zi) is the normal calculated from the point Pi using the that
dataset, I will calculate 50 samples in the positive direction and 50
samples in the negative direction for each point on the that datasets.I will
calculate samples in the positive direction using:
+ direction :P1=Pi+Ni, P2=P1+Ni,P3=P2+Ni...
and in the negative direction using:
- direction: P1=Pi-Ni, P2=P1-Ni, P3=P2-Ni... so on
Assuming that I got the whole sample points.
The grey value for all of these points (P1, P2, P3 ...) will be retrieved
from the raw dataset after doing trilinear interpolation. could ProbeFilter
able to achieve this? 
Thanks alot 


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