[vtkusers] how can i evalutate rendering time in a volume?

Ocean Spring meancity at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 23:39:53 EDT 2007

hi dude,

capture a timestamp right before the rendering start, and assign it to a
variable, let's say X
and capture another timestamp right after the rendering end, and assign it
to a variable, let's say Y.

so Y-X = the time spend on rendering.... i did so when i was doing my small

am i answering your quesiton?

and i also have a question.

what is "rendering time". is it the time spent on actual render action or
the time spent on rendering and displaying on the device?

i found that actual rendering time is not very long (at least on my pc) but
the time taken to display the objects is longer. and i think the latter one
is somewhat device dependent.....


On 3/8/07, (과장)허창용 <heochy at wmit.co.kr> wrote:
> Hi, vtkusers
> I have a question.
> How to evaluate rendering time in a volume?
> For example, it is "volume rendering progress bar" that appear in VolView.
> How can i do? use Addobserver Methods? use extents vtkclass?
> Thank you very much.
> regards,
> heochy
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