[vtkusers] Surface/3D-object construction with xyz point data?
Jarno Ahma
jarno.ahma at luukku.com
Fri Jun 29 06:39:18 EDT 2007
this question might be trivial for many VTK-users, but I'm not familiar with VTK and I'm stuck with this.
Help would be appreciated greatly.
I'm getting data in angle/radius form, which I convert to array of xyz-points. Basically, in testing, I generate these points and use constant radius value, so points are scattered to cylinder-like surface. Inside of that 'cylinder' there is another two with lower radius value.
Question is, how do I use those points to create clean surface? And by 'clean' I mean that there is just connected points (until I smooth the surfaces with another filter). I also need both 'cylinder' ends to be filled, or that xyz-data to be constructed to some sort of object, because final 3D-model will have 3 objects inside each other (3 actors) and best result could be gained with boolean operation or combining outer and inner surfaces (including both ends).
I am using VTK 5.0.1 with C# (WIN 2000/XP) but C++/python/tcl/other examples will do if provided.
Thanks in advance.
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