[vtkusers] Volume render quality with wxVTKRenderWindowInteractor not at best level

Paul Melis paul at science.uva.nl
Fri Jun 15 10:07:40 EDT 2007


While displaying a volume from a wxPython app using VTK's 
wxVTKRenderWindowInteractor I have the following behaviour: when 
interacting with the volume (e.g. rotating it) the render resolution is 
decreased as expected, but when interaction ends by releasing the mouse 
button the rendering doesn't always return to the highest resolution. A 
single click+release in the window always forces a rerender in the 
highest resolution in this case. I've set the still update rate on the 
wxVTKRenderWindowInteractor to zero, which should make the volume render 
in the highest resolution when no interaction is taking place, if I 
understand correctly? The desired update rate is set to 10 fps. Also, 
I've tried to find the same behaviour when not using wxPython, but plain 
Python + VTK and cannot reproduce it. Could this problem be 
wxVTKRenderWindowInteractor specific?


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