[vtkusers] Re: displaying a 3-channel dataset as an image

Goodwin Lawlor goodwin.lawlor at ucd.ie
Wed Feb 28 11:38:14 EST 2007

wind wrote:
> Hello, 
> I have a file that has three sets of scalars in it that I would like to 
> display as an image with each set mapped to red, green and blue color 
> respectively. The data file contains different channels from a satellite. 
> I've read the data into memory and now have three arrays of 8-bit 
> numbers. I can combine the data into a single array if I have to. Is 
> there a way to tell VTK to display that array as an RGB image?
> Thanks, 
> -- Gala

Hi Gala,

You can use vtkImageAppendComponents. See how it's used here:


to read planar rgb images from the Visible Human Project.

Note you have to add the blue channel first, then green, the red.



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