[vtkusers] help displaying a set of points

wind wind at climate.gsfc.nasa.gov
Wed Feb 21 15:17:17 EST 2007


I have a dataset that consists of XYZ point coordinates and one  
scalar at each point. I want to display the points as individual  
points, not a surface, not a wireframe, nothing. The points are not  
related to each other, so I don't want to do anything to connect them  
explicitly. I've tried just about every combination of  
vtkUnstructuredGrid, vtkDataSetMapper and what not and I still end up  
with a blank screen. I know the data is there and read in correctly.  
I have the vtkPoints object and the vtkFloatArray for scalars.


-- Gala

Gala Wind
(301) 614-6221
wind at climate.gsfc.nasa.gov
Code 613.2, Climate and Radiation
SSAI, Inc.
Greenbelt, MD 20771

   -- There's always a way, you just have to find it.
             ( B. Hambly "Children of the Jedi" )

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