[vtkusers] vtkDelaunay2D example

Dominik Szczerba domi at vision.ee.ethz.ch
Sun Aug 26 14:32:24 EDT 2007

I tried the Delaunay example out of curiosity (I use the great qhull for
years) and I am sorry to report it does not work (at least the test
itself says the test is not passed). My experience with the VTK 3-D
Delaunay has not been a very succesful one either.

I have worked out how to use qhull in C++ (qhull is a very special
programming style...) and tested it extensively for a few years. I would
be ready to share my experience, unfortunately I have no time to
implement it as a VTK algorithm. Anyone to collaborate?

- Dominik

Sylvain Jaume wrote:
> Hi Daniela,
> Example of vtkDelaunay2D can be found here:
> http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/*checkout*/Graphics/Testing/Cxx/TestDelaunay2D.cxx?root=VTK&content-type=text/plain
> The output is a vtkPolyData. So you need vtkPolyDataMapper, not
> vtkDataSetMapper.
> HTH,
> Sylvain
> Daniela Castelluccia wrote:
>>  Hi Sylvain,
>> I'm trying with vtkDelaunay2D ( which makes triangles ) usign the
>> BoundaryTriangulation method:
>> vtkFeatureEdges feature
>> feature SetInput originalPolydata
>> feature BoundaryEdgesOn
>> feature FeatureEdgesOff
>> feature NonManifoldEdgesOff
>> feature ManifoldEdgesOff
>> vtkDelaunay2D del
>> #vtkDelaunay3D del
>>     del SetInput [feature GetOutput]
>>     del BoundingTriangulationOn
>>     del SetTolerance 0.001
>>     del SetAlpha10.0
>> vtkDataSetMapper map
>>     map SetInput [del GetOutput]
>> vtkActor triangulation
>>     triangulation SetMapper map
>>     [triangulation GetProperty] SetColor 1.0 0.49 0.25
>> #vtkPolyDataMapper mapper
>> #mapper SetInput originalPolydata
>> #vtkActor original
>> #    original SetMapper mapper
>> #   [original GetProperty] SetColor 1.0 0.0 0.0
>> vtkRenderer ren1
>> vtkRenderWindow renWin
>>     renWin AddRenderer ren1
>> vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
>>     iren SetRenderWindow renWin
>> ren1 AddActor triangulation
>> #ren1 AddActor original
>> ren1 SetBackground 1 1 1
>> renWin SetSize 900 900
>> renWin Render
>> wm withdraw .
>> How can I set the right parameters for Delaunay trinagulation?
>> Have you some examples?
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Dominik Szczerba, Ph.D.
Computer Vision Lab CH-8092 Zurich

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