[vtkusers] Fill closed surface with voxels.

Hendrik Belitz hbelitz at darkon.info
Fri Aug 24 02:36:08 EDT 2007

Hi Vladimir,

since I guess that this is essentially the same problem Achim Poll required a solution for a day before, I'll give you the same answer:

With high probability, this answer is still valid:

I use vtkPolyDataToImageStencil for myself with good results to "voxelize" polydata meshes. Even more decent results could be obtained by using an external library, like object voxelization by filterung for example( http://www.viskom.oeaw.ac.at/~milos/ ), with the only drawback that you need to convert your data by yourself into the appropiate formats.


Brilliance is typically the act of an individual, but incredible
stupidity can usually be traced to an organization. - Jon Bentley

Hendrik Belitz, Computer Scientist
email: hbelitz at computer.org or hbelitz at ieee.org

Vladimir Lazunin <lazunin.v.aa at m.titech.ac.jp> hat am 24. August 2007 um 08:20 geschrieben:

> Is there a way to fill a closed surface with voxels, thus converting it 
> into a volume?
> Or, alternatively, is there a simple way to determine whether a point 
> (x, y, z) lies inside or outside of a
> surface? Is so, I could manually construct a volume easily, by setting 
> 0-s for outer and 1-s for inner points.
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