[vtkusers] seeking best way to handle hierarchical volume datasets

Weiguang Guan guanw at rhpcs.mcmaster.ca
Thu Sep 28 11:41:40 EDT 2006

Hi VTK users,

I have been searching for best VTK solution to volume rendering of 3D 
hierarchical image data, and I need your suggestion. Maybe I shouldn't use 
the term "hierarchical" but rather some kind AMR data sets. In my case, 
There are several volume data sets of different resolutions, partially 
overlapping with one another. I want to render the multiple volumes and 
the finest data to be used in any overlapped subregions.

vtkHierarchicalBoxDataSet might be an option for me to store a 
hierarchical image data, but I can't find the counterpart of 
vtkHierarchicalPolyDataMapper for rendering volumetric data, name it 
vtkHierarchicalImageDataMapper or vtkHierarchicalVolumeMapper.

Culling might be an alternative too. But I don't have experience on it...

Thank you in advance!


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