[vtkusers] Re: use of vtkMetaImageReader

Kevin H. Hobbs hobbsk at ohiou.edu
Thu Sep 28 08:49:35 EDT 2006

On Thu, 2006-09-28 at 05:25 -0700, sandra.moritz at gmx.de wrote:
> Hey Kevin
> thanks for your help. But I don't know which filter I have to take, as I am really completley knew to this. So where can I find a list of filters or so and how do I know which filters I can or have to use? 
> Thank you very much

Please use the "Reply To All" or equivalent button in your e-mail
program so that a copy of your messages is sent to the list, unless the
subject has moved off topic or contains sensitive information. 

There is a list of VTK classes here :


Basically that's documentation for everything VTK can do. There are
links from many of these functions to example programs that use them.
For example there is a link from the documentation of the
vtkMetaImageReader to a test program written in TCL that uses it.


As to what filter you use... well I really can't help you there. What do
you _want_ to do with the data?

You might want to just run through the programs in
VTK/Examples/Tutorial/ to get some idea of things you could do.
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