[vtkusers] OrientationMarkerWidget question from VTK newbie

Romy Schneider romy at tacc.utexas.edu
Fri Sep 22 14:51:53 EDT 2006


Thanks for your help.  The part I was not understanding was that the  
orientation marker is in a separate renderer, so I never needed to  
call the AddActor method to add my AxesActor to the main renderer  
(which I was doing).  Since I don't need the axes in the main  
renderer, I just use the AxesActor for the orientation marker.     
Thanks also for the scaled text tip.  I'm still getting used to  
wading through the VTK class documentation to understand how  
everything fits together.


On Sep 22, 2006, at 1:21 PM, <dean.inglis at camris.ca> wrote:

> Hi Romy,
> first, if you only make 1 vtkAxesActor and
> share it between the widget and the main
> renderer, then if you turn off its visibility
> in the main renderer, it's visibility is off
> for the widget too.  Just create a separate
> vtkAxesActor for the main renderer .
> To change the text size (here for x axis), you
> have to turn off ScaledText for the caption
> actor's vtkTextActor:
> axes->GetXAxisCaptionActor2D()->GetTextActor()->SetScaledText(0);
> axes->GetXAxisCaptionActor2D()->GetTextActor()->GetTextProperty()- 
> >SetFontSize( newsize );
> Dean
>> Thanks for the reply.    I'm probably using this widget incorrectly,
>> but what I want is a small set of 3D axes in the lower left hand
>> corner, like Paraview has.   I don't want any sort of axes around the
>> data.  The issue is, I can produce the small set of axes in the
>> corner just as I want them (small, non-interactive, etc), but I also
>> have a set of axes drawn near my data set.  Actually, what VTK draws
>> is really tiny axes with huge axes labels.  Calls to SetFontSize( i )
>> have absolutely no effect (although I can change the font type, bold,
>> italicize, etc:  I'm running VTK with Carbon on an Intel MacBook Pro,
>> I figure this is just a bug).  Here's my code (I'm just starting out
>> at VTK...).
>> ...
>> # add orientation axes
>> vtkAxesActor axes
>> vtkOrientationMarkerWidget marker
>> marker SetOrientationMarker axes
>> marker SetViewport 0.0 0.0 0.15 0.2
>> vtkRenderer ren1
>> ren1 AddActor imageActor
>> ren1 AddActor axes
>> ren1 SetBackground 0.0 0.0 0.0
>> vtkRenderWindow renWin
>> renWin AddRenderer ren1
>> set vtkw [vtkTkRenderWidget .ren -width 600 -height 600 -rw renWin]
>> # launch the vtk/tk interactor (command line) window
>> wm deiconify .vtkInteract
>> #
>> # Setup Tk bindings and VTK observers for that widget.
>> #
>> ::vtk::bind_tk_render_widget $vtkw
>> # set interactor for the render widget and orientation marker?
>> set iact [[$vtkw GetRenderWindow] GetInteractor]
>> vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera style
>> $iact SetInteractorStyle style
>> marker SetInteractor $iact
>> marker SetEnabled 1
>> marker InteractiveOff
>> ...
>> I'll send you a screenshot in a separate email, I can't send it to
>> the mailing list because it's too big.  The unwanted axes appear
>> right next to the data slice, there's a small green dot (for the
>> incredibly tiny axes it's drawing) and large white X, Y, Z, overlain
>> on each other.   So, how do I make those go away while keeping the
>> small orientation marker in the lower left hand corner?
>> Thanks for your help!
>> Romy
>> On Sep 21, 2006, at 9:43 PM, Dean Inglis wrote:
>>> Hi Romy,
>>> I'm not sure what you want here.  The axes actor has
>>> 3D polydata representing the axes as tubes with cones
>>> for arrows and text for labels.  The axes are
>>> the "marker" that marks out the orientation.  You can
>>> also have a marker that is a cube with labels for
>>> different directions.  The whole idea when I wrote this
>>> class was to use the widget to accommodate the x-y-z arrow axes
>>> as seen in ParaView and the cube with anatomical direction labels
>>> as seen in VolView.  the widget allows the user to move it
>>> around the render window for interactive placement.
>>> Can you be a bit more specific about what you want to visualize?
>>> Dean
>>>> however I don't want the main set of axes visible, just the
>>>> orientation marker.  How do I accomplish this?  When I set the
>>>> vtkAxesActor visibility off with VisibilityOff(), the orientation
>>>> maker widget goes away as well.  I searched around and tinkered a

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