[vtkusers] Install vtk 5 from source on redhat with python 2.5

Fabian Braennstroem f.braennstroem at gmx.de
Wed Nov 29 10:56:07 EST 2006


I would like to install vtk 5.0 on a scientific linux
machine (redhat enterprise) clone. I enabled python and set
the path to my newly installed python 2.5 in an extra

 PYTHON_EXECUTABLE                /opt/python-2.5/bin/python2.5                                                                                                                     
 PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH              /opt/python-2.5/include/python2.5                                                                                                                 
 PYTHON_UTIL_LIBRARY              /usr/lib/libutil.so    

Maybe, one mistake is to leave the library path empty, but setting it to
/opt/python-2.5/lib/python2.5 did not work; I got:

 Warning: Ignoring path found in link libraries for target: vtkWrapPython, path is: /opt/python-2.5/lib/python2.5. Expected a library name or a full path to a library name.

 Warning: Ignoring path found in link libraries for target: vtkpython, path is: /opt/python-2.5/lib/python2.5. Expected a library name or a full path to a library name.

when I generated the makefile. Could it be a problem with the util library?
ccmake did set it!?

So, I am getting following error message, when running make:

[ 13%] Building CXX object Common/CMakeFiles/vtkCommonPythonD.dir/vtkPythonUtil.o
/opt/VTK/Common/vtkPythonUtil.cxx: In function `PyObject* PyVTKClassMetaType_GetAttr(PyTypeObject*, char*)':
/opt/VTK/Common/vtkPythonUtil.cxx:771: error: invalid conversion from `const char*' to `char*'
make[2]: *** [Common/CMakeFiles/vtkCommonPythonD.dir/vtkPythonUtil.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [Common/CMakeFiles/vtkCommonPythonD.dir/all] Error 2

Would be nice, if anybody can help!


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