[vtkusers] Purpose of vtkDisplayListPainter

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Thu Mar 23 09:18:00 EST 2006

vtkDisplayListPainter is an abstract class.  Check
vtkOpenGLDisplayListPainter for the implementation of the Render()
method. When a vtkDisplayListPainter is used in a "Painter" chain for
rendering, it uses GL display lists, if possible. However if one is
using the vtkPolyDataMapper provided by the factor (which is the case if
one is instantiating vtkPolyDataMapper directly) then an instance of
vtkPainterPolyDataMapper is returned, which sets up the internal painter
list automatically, which includes a vtkDisplayListPainter subclass. One
simply uses the ImmediateModeRendering property on vtkPolyDataMapper to
choose if display lists are enabled or not.

For details on Painter design check
Note that this document is the design. The actual implementation has
minor changes (esp. in class names etc), but is a good starting point to
understand what the painters are.


Imran Ahmed Khan wrote:
> Hi all,
> Can someone expert in vtk tell me that what is the true purpose of
> vtkDisplayListPainter class, does it improve the rendering of identical
> Polyhedrons/Polygons obtained my transformation matrices. How can I use
> it (as there is no example present). What does
> vtkDisplayListPainter->Render(vtkRenderer *renderer, vtkActor *actor,
> unsigned long typeflags) do ? its a function present in the super
> classes(vtkPainter, vtkPolyDataPainter) of vtkDisplayListPainter.
> Can someone please help me out ?
> Best Regards,
> Imran Ahmed Khan.
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