[vtkusers] Re: BioImageXD's vtk extensions
Gaetan Lehmann
gaetan.lehmann at jouy.inra.fr
Mon Jun 12 10:28:21 EDT 2006
The LSM reader works just fine with my images - I no more need to convert
them with imagej :-)
Mathieu, it would be really nice if it can be integrated in VTK. Is it
possible ?
I have seen some deconvolution related classes in the C++ directory, but
haven't found the feature in the GUI. Are they already usable ?
Thanks a lot,
On Thu, 08 Jun 2006 14:16:38 +0200, Dan White <dan at chalkie.org.uk> wrote:
> Hi Gaetan,
> if you get the source code for bioimagexd public beta release 0.9 from
> http://modeling.bio.jyu.fi/dl.php?file=source_targz
> you will see in the C++ dir that there is our vtkLSMreader and some
> other of our custom classes
> these can be asses to a fresh VTK sources CVS download tree
> using the shell script below (hopefully you can see how it works, and
> fix it if it doesnt work for you 1st time)
> then when you build this version of VTK with our bits added, the LSM
> reader functionality will be there.
> Cmake options to use:
> shared libraries on
> python wrapping on (use python2.4 make sure to use t to see the advanced
> options in ccmake and check 2.4 is being used not 2.3 for some bits)
> configure and generate make files in cmake,
> then make and make install
> then bioimagexd sould work with
> python2.4 BioImageXD.py
> from in the bioiamgexd pytohn sources you downloaded.
> and also our vtkLSMReader should be available to use from python scripts
> and c++ progs etc using VTK.
> we will try to make full source build and install instructions for
> bioimagexd-VTK available when we do our next public beta release...
> cheers
> Dan
> #! /bin/sh
> if [ "$2" = "" ]; then
> echo "Usage: install_classes.sh <BioImageXD directory> <VTK directory>"
> exit
> fi
> INSTALL="IO Imaging Filtering Widgets"
> CPPDIR=$1/C++
> IMAGING=$2/Imaging
> FILTERING=$2/Filtering
> WIDGETS=$2/Widgets
> IO=$2/IO
> function insert_to_cmakelists {
> cxxfile=$1
> cmakefile=$2/CMakeLists.txt
> cat $cmakefile|sed s/"SET.*Kit_SRCS"/"SET( Kit_SRCS\n$cxxfile"/ >
> CMakeLists.new
> mv -f CMakeLists.new $cmakefile
> }
> if [ "`echo $INSTALL|grep Imaging`" ]
> then
> for i in vtkImageColorMerge vtkImageAlphaFilter
> vtkImageColocalizationFilter vtkImageColocalizationTest \
> vtkImageMapToIntensities vtkImageSimpleMIP vtkImageSolitaryFilter
> do
> echo "Copying $i.cxx..."
> cp $CPPDIR/$i.cxx $IMAGING
> cp $CPPDIR/$i.h $IMAGING
> if [ "`grep $i $IMAGING/CMakeLists.txt`" = "" ]; then
> echo "Inserting $i.cxx to CMakeLists.txt"
> insert_to_cmakelists $i.cxx $IMAGING
> else
> echo "$i.cxx already in CMakeLists.txt"
> fi
> done
> fi
> if [ "`echo $INSTALL|grep Filtering`" ]
> then
> for i in vtkIntensityTransferFunction
> vtkImageAutoThresholdColocalization
> do
> echo "Copying $i.cxx..."
> cp $CPPDIR/$i.cxx $FILTERING
> if [ "`grep $i $FILTERING/CMakeLists.txt`" = "" ]; then
> echo "Inserting $i.cxx to CMakeLists.txt"
> insert_to_cmakelists $i.cxx $FILTERING
> else
> echo "$i.cxx already in CMakeLists.txt"
> fi
> done
> fi
> if [ "`echo $INSTALL|grep Widgets`" ]
> then
> for i in vtkDistanceRepresentationScaled2D
> do
> echo "Copying $i.cxx..."
> cp $CPPDIR/$i.cxx $WIDGETS
> cp $CPPDIR/$i.h $WIDGETS
> if [ "`grep $i $WIDGETS/CMakeLists.txt`" = "" ]; then
> echo "Inserting $i.cxx to CMakeLists.txt"
> insert_to_cmakelists $i.cxx $WIDGETS
> else
> echo "$i.cxx already in CMakeLists.txt"
> fi
> done
> fi
> if [ "`echo $INSTALL|grep IO`" ]
> then
> for i in vtkExtTIFFReader vtkLSMReader
> do
> echo "Copying $i.cxx..."
> cp $CPPDIR/$i.cxx $IO
> cp $CPPDIR/$i.h $IO
> if [ "`grep $i $IO/CMakeLists.txt`" = "" ]; then
> echo "Inserting $i.cxx to CMakeLists.txt"
> insert_to_cmakelists $i.cxx $IO
> else
> echo "$i.cxx already in CMakeLists.txt"
> fi
> done
> fi
> On 8 Jun 2006, at 14:58, Gaetan Lehmann wrote:
>> Dan, Kalle,
>> LSM reader is still not usable in ITK (with several channels), I still
>> lack a good GUI and it seems that it is possible to integrate some itk
>> filters in BioImageXD, so I'm looking again at BioImageXD.
>> My problem is quite simple (for now): What is the procedure to build
>> vtk extensions you wrote, so they can be used in BioImageXD ? I can't
>> find any Makefile, any CMakeLists.txt or setup.py. build_app.py only
>> declares some functions, but nothing to call it.
>> Can you tell me how you build that code ?
>> Also, it seems that we are interested in the same domains - confocal
>> miscroscopy, image analysis, and python - so perhaps would you find
>> useful the development I (and others) have made for ITK. Most of them
>> are used for confocal microscopy image analysis, and are fully usable
>> with WrapITK.
>> http://voxel.jouy.inra.fr/darcsweb/darcsweb.cgi
>> Regards,
>> Gaetan
>> --Gaëtan Lehmann
>> Biologie du Développement et de la Reproduction
>> INRA de Jouy-en-Josas (France)
>> tel: +33 1 34 65 29 66 fax: 01 34 65 29 09
>> http://voxel.jouy.inra.fr
> Dr. Daniel James White BSc. (Hons.) PhD
> Bioimaging Coordinator
> Nanoscience Centre and Department of Biological and Environmental
> Sciences
> Division of Molecular Recognition
> Ambiotica C242
> PO Box 35
> University of Jyväskylä
> Jyväskylä
> FIN 40014
> Finland
> +358 14 260 4183 (work)
> +358 468102840 (mobile)
> http://www.bioimagexd.org
> http://www.chalkie.org.uk
> dan at chalkie.org.uk
> white at cc.jyu.fi
Gaëtan Lehmann
Biologie du Développement et de la Reproduction
INRA de Jouy-en-Josas (France)
tel: +33 1 34 65 29 66 fax: 01 34 65 29 09
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