[vtkusers] VTK & MPI

Hanan Hassanein hanan.hassanein at gmail.com
Thu Jul 27 10:31:16 EDT 2006

i was mistaken about the error, it's exactly just
Fatal error; unknown error handler
May be MPI call before MPI_INIT.  Error message is MPI_COMM_SIZE and code is

aslo vtkoutputwindow is displayed with "null communicator" written inside


On 7/27/06, Hanan Hassanein <hanan.hassanein at gmail.com> wrote:
>  Dear sir,
> Among the examples in the path u specified, when i try to run (from the
> command line) example like parallelIso.cxx, i got the following error:
> MPIRun.exe -np 2 -localonly VTK_MPI.exe
> Fatal error; unknown error handler
> May be MPI call before MPI_INIT.  Error message is MPI_COMM_SIZE and code
> is 197
> Wait for process 0 to write port to temporary file timed out
> any help plz, thanks a lot for the hello world code..
> by the way, i am new to vtk..
> thanks a lot for your fast response & guiding me..
> Hanan
>  On 7/27/06, Kevin H. Hobbs <hobbsk at ohiou.edu> wrote:
> > On Thu, 2006-07-27 at 14:37 +0300, Hanan Hassanein wrote:
> > Dear all,
> >
> >       I tried first using VTKMPI functions, but i couldn't find good
> > online support like functions or so, i just found 1 example on the vtk
> > site named MPIgroups.cxx ( i am using c++ by the way), it wasn't
> > helpful at all, not commented or so..
> >
> Well there are other examples in
> VTK/Examples/ParallelProcessing/Generic/Cxx . You can browse to them on
> the web from the Doxygen documentation by seraching for MPI in the page
> http://www.vtk.org/doc/nightly/html/annotated.html and following the
> "Tests" and "Examples" sections.
> >       so, i started to try another way, although i know i am trying to
> > reinvent the wheel, coz i am trying to use both vtk & MPI separately,
> > but i got stuck now in sending vtk objects between processors like
> > vtkactors, coz as u know MPI communication function send/receive
> > objects of type MPI_datatype, eith it's primitive like MPI_Double, or
> > user defined datatype which must be also some combination of MPI
> > primitive datatypes.
> >
> >
> I think this is a very wrong path. VTK objects contain pointers to other
> objects, which would not make sense when sent to another machine.
> Here is a VTK MPI hello world.
> #include "vtkMPIController.h"
> void process(vtkMultiProcessController* controller, void*
> vtkNotUsed(arg))
> {
>        int myId = controller->GetLocalProcessId();
>        std::cout << "My process id is ";
>        std::cout << myId << "." << std::endl;
> }
> int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
> {
>        vtkMPIController* controller = vtkMPIController::New();
>        controller->Initialize(&argc, &argv);
>        controller->SetSingleMethod(process, 0);
>        controller->SingleMethodExecute();
>        controller->Finalize();
>        controller->Delete();
>        return 0;
> }
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.4 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQBEyKqgqBtEuW+gRPERAow7AJ90xucUn9M0AsgPhnFwC768mcMWowCeM9/B
> Ecb9yA7hlPtOoZvbbfnda0c=
> =aDwN
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