[vtkusers] vtkDICOMImageReader does not display images - VTK 5.0

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com
Tue Jul 18 13:06:49 EDT 2006


	Looks like a wxVTK issue. Could you please forward your question to the 
wxVTK ML instead.
-> http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=114757

	From the top of my head only the CVS version of wxVTK works with the 
carbon framework and a very recent wxWidgets release.


Andres Munarriz wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm trying to read DICOM images using the vtkDICOMImageReader and 
> display it in a wxWidgets window.  Everything seems to be working ok 
> except that the image isn't displayed at all.  If I call the 
> viewer->Render() method a new window is opened but the image isn't 
> displayed either.  I'm running MacOSX 10.4.  I believe the code is fine.
> The following snippet is used to construct the wxWidget frame to display 
> the file (or series)
> ImageFrame::ImageFrame(wxMDIParentFrame *pp_Parent, const wxString& 
> p_strTitle, const wxPoint& p_Pos, const wxSize& p_Size, const long 
> p_lStyle):wxMDIChildFrame(pp_Parent, -1, p_strTitle, p_Pos, 
> p_Size, p_lStyle | wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE)
> {
> vtk_interactor = new wxVTKRenderWindowInteractor(
> vtk_interactor->UseCaptureMouseOn();
> viewer = vtkImageViewer2::New();
> viewer->SetupInteractor(vtk_interactor);
> viewer->SetColorWindow(WINDOW_VALUE);
> viewer->SetColorLevel(LEVEL_VALUE);
> }
> bool ImageFrame::OpenSeries(wxString path)
> {
> atImage = fachade->srvOpenSeries(path);
> viewer->SetInput(atImage);
> viewer->SetupInteractor(vtk_interactor);
> // viewer->Update();
> // viewer->Render();
> return (atImage != NULL);
> }
> the Fachada object returns a vtkImageData* after calling the 
> ImageProcessingCore OpenSeries method.
> vtkImageData* ImageProcessingCore::OpenSeries(const char* path){
>     reader->SetDirectoryName(path);
>     reader->Update(); 
>     return reader->GetOutput(); 
> } 
> thanks for your help in advance,
> Andres E. Munarriz Soto
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