[vtkusers] who can help me to explain the meaning of "scalar values", thanks

luisc l.perez at iturribizia.com
Mon Jul 3 11:40:51 EDT 2006

Scalar values are numbers which represent the value of a scalar
magnitude (like temperature, density,potential,...) in a point of space.
A set of scalar values in some points of space could be employed to
interpolate a scalar field.

There exists also vector and tensor values. A set of vectors values
could be employed to represent a vector field like displacement,
velocities, acceleration, gradient of a scalar field,...



El lun, 03-07-2006 a las 13:58 +0800, Ye Jun escribió:
> hi, i am a newcomer to the vtk, but i found that there lots of scalar
> values mentioned in the docs of vtk,eg."vtkContourFilter - generate
> isosurfaces/isolines from scalar values"
>  , it really puzzled me, is there anybody can teach me what is this
> scalar meaning and what is it used for ? 
> thanks 
> alexsando
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