[vtkusers] gcc 4.0.1 autovectorziation of VTK on OS X 10.4 and linux and windowsXP

Dan White dan at chalkie.org.uk
Tue Jan 31 04:46:21 EST 2006


I was wondering if any experts know about
the possibility of the autovectorziation function
of the gcc 4.0.1 (and later) compiler collection
for speeding up the execution of VTK libraries
using the vector provessing power of altivec enabled PPC G4 and G5 chips
and SSE enabled ix86 chips.

is the VTK code vecorizable to any extent?
(I'm not really taking about the parallel processing functionality
in VTK, rather the possibility to use processor vector extensions
on the normal code for the VTK libraries)

Is any of the code written in such a way that the gcc compiler will  
see that it can vectorize it and then do so?

I'm having a go on an OSX VTK 5 CVS (from a while back, not newest  
CVS) build on an G5....



Dr. Daniel James White BSc. (Hons.) PhD
Bioimaging Coordinator
Nanoscience Centre and Department of Biological and Environmental  
Division of Molecular Recognition
Ambiotica C242
PO Box 35
University of Jyväskylä
FIN 40014

+358 14 260 4183 (work)
+358 468102840 (mobile)
dan at chalkie.org.uk
white at cc.jyu.fi

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