[vtkusers] compiling vtk 4.2 on os x 10.4.3

Ryan Glover prionscientific at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 14:55:23 EST 2006

A user who has it working said he was able to get 4.2 to work so i
tired the same.  i tried 4.4 first and also got this error.

The code for the vtk file (vtkCocoaGLView.h) is:

@interface vtkCocoaGLView : NSOpenGLView
    enum NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute bitsPerPixel, depthSize;

    vtkCocoaRenderWindow *myVTKRenderWindow;
    vtkCocoaRenderWindowInteractor *myVTKRenderWindowInteractor;

I will try changing the apple header and see what happens.  You say
just to scrub the 'enum' from the code?


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