[vtkusers] Universal Binary of vtk on Mac OS X... initial investigations...

Randall Hand randall.hand at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 15:07:22 EST 2006

Just to chime in, this is something that we're suffering with here at ERDC
as well..

The new Cray XT3 we've setup operates with 2 OS's:  The main login nodes
(Where everything is compiled) runs SUSE Linux.  The trick is that jobs that
want to make use of all 4096 processors have to run distributed across the
Catamount nodes, which is not Linux compatible (not even close, honestly).
The way to compile for those nodes (in my feeble understanding of things) is
to use the same compiler but add a -catamount option.  This has given us
alot of headaches here as stuff compiled for catamount won't run on the
login nodes, and vice versa.

So, VTK/Cmake is currently restricted to login/interactive nodes only.  So
any steps made toward separating "target" and "build" Architectures would be
extremely valuable in this regard :)

On 2/16/06, David Cole <david.cole at kitware.com> wrote:
> Sean McBride wrote:
> >On 2006-02-16 12:43, David Cole said:
> >
> >
> >>Feel free to enter a bug/feature request
> >>
> >>
> >Well, I entered one a few months ago against cmake:
> ><http://www.vtk.org/Bug/bug.php?op=show&bugid=2492>
> >
> >and there has been good discussion within.
> >
> >Is entering one against vtk in order too?  Perhaps a bug to encourage
> >cleanup/deprecation of TRY_COMPILE usage?
> >
> >
> Absolutely. Enter a feature request against VTK, too. Then copy your
> http link to the CMake bug into the text of the VTK bug. The reason I'm
> recommending this is because VTK and the utility libraries that it
> builds make extremely heavy use of TRY_COMPILE to determine availability
> of features of the system it's being built on. I suspect there are many
> more gotchas to cross-compiling VTK than merely having the CMake support
> to build universal binaries.
> >>(Then figure out how to do it right and attach that
> >>info / patches to the bug tracker entry...)
> >>
> >>
> >
> >That's the tricky part. :)
> >
> >
> Yes, but I'm counting on you to figure it out lest this become a pie in
> the sky discussion... :-)
> David
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Randall Hand
Visualization Scientist,
ERDC-MSRC Vicksburg, MS
Homepage: http://www.yeraze.com
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