[vtkusers] Relative paths in MacOS libraries

Martin Costabel costabel at wanadoo.fr
Mon Oct 24 15:16:57 EDT 2005

David Flitney wrote:
>> CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS:STRING="@executable_path/../Frameworks/\`basename 
>> <TARGET>\`"
> This looks great! Sadly I don't get expansion of the <TARGET> tag, i.e. 
> I always get: -install_name "@executable_path/../Frameworks/`basename 
> <TARGET>`" as the generated option. Any thoughts?

In the CMakeCache.txt file, I see this as
/sw/lib/vtk/`basename <TARGET>`
too, but when the Makefiles are created, it is expanded; I see, for 
example, in Common/Makefile:

         @echo "Building shared library 
         /sw/bin/cmake -E remove -f 
         /sw/bin/g++-3.3 -dynamiclib -Wl,-flat_namespace,-U,_environ 
-L/sw/lib -install_name /sw/lib/vtk/`basename 
$(vtkCommonTCL_SRC_OBJS) $(vtkCommonTCL_EXTERNAL_OBJS) 
-L/sw/src/fink.build/vtk-py23-5.0-0.20051008-2/VTK/bin -L/sw/lib 
-lvtkCommon -ltcl -lm -framework AppKit -lpthread -lm  -lgcc


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