[vtkusers] Relative paths in MacOS libraries

Martin Costabel costabel at wanadoo.fr
Sat Oct 22 04:58:08 EDT 2005

David Flitney wrote:
> I'd like to include VTK libraries in the Frameworks directory of a .app 
> bundle but the libraries are not being built with the relative paths, 
> i.e.: @executable_path:../Frameworks/<libraryname>. I believe this 
> symbolic "install_name" needs to be set when the library is built. Does 
> anyone know if I can set some options in the VTK build to achieve this?
> I'm currently using CMake 2.3-20051006 and the HEAD of the VTK5.1 sources.

For the Fink package, I am using the cmake option

CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS:STRING="-L/sw/lib -install_name 
/sw/lib/vtk/\`basename <TARGET>\`"

You can try to adapt your install_name correspondingly by setting


or something similar.


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