[vtkusers] Dicom Question

gurugurupalm gurugurupalm at yahoo.com.tw
Mon Oct 10 04:42:53 EDT 2005

Dear vtk experts:

   First of all, sorry to post this message to the
mailing list.  I am new in DICOM format, and would
appreciate to have some helps.
   I search the vtk mailing archives, and found some
discussion of the process of Dicom file.  Yet, I can
not complete find what I need.
   Since I am kind of new and would like to know if
any of you can provide some helps:
   I am currently using vtk 4.4 (not itk at this
moment) to read the DICOM files, I wonder whether you
can tell me how to 
   1>Know how many images are there in the dicom file
when I open and read in the file? 
   2>If there are more than one images in a dicom
file, when I read it, how would I be able to dispaly
particular images?
     (say, show the 3rd image, then 5 image, ... etc).
   3>Is vtkDICOMImageReader the right function to read
the DICOM file?
   Thanks for help, I hope this is not too stupid
questions.  If there are examples or C++ codes, it
will be very helpful. 

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