[vtkusers] Re: [Insight-users] Re: VTK/ITK with VC8

Arash Jahangir arash at vije.ca
Wed Nov 30 01:00:22 EST 2005

Dear Goodwin and Karthik,

Thanks for your helps.  Here is the summary of this getting Visual C++ 8 Express to build VTK/ITK:

It seems that there is more than one path of info to VC8E.  In my case I downloaded the compiler but ran into some obvious problems due to lack of Platform SDK (this is before I posted my question to the thread).  A search on the net showed many people had gone through the same path and the question was answered by one of the VC8 developers on MSDN forum.  According to him, it is not necessary to install the 1GB Platform SDK, but only to copy the lib-bin-include directories from it to PlatformSDK subdirectory of VC8E's (this directory has to be made).  He explicitly stated that no other configuration was necessary.

He is only partially correct.  It is true that installing the 1GB Platform SDK is not needed.  It is also true that VC8E comes preconfigured to search in a "PlatformSDK" directory (and I verified all this).  However, for some strange reason MS saw fit that having the include directory in the configuration is not enough and that one must also manually edit the corewin_express.vsprops file and change the string that reads:

AdditionalDependencies="kernel32.lib" to

AdditionalDependencies="kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib 
comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib"

Unfortunately this information was missing from the MSDN forum.

This however was only one of the problems with the build.  It turns out that (at least as far as I can tell) there is no way to build the wrappers under windows.  The checked out version of CableSwig is missing a lot of header files needed for gcc and gccxml.  I really wish Kitware would just make use of the standard Swig and gccxml (I have them both running on my system).  As it stands, I am not sure how to link those apps to ITK.  The documentation says the Kitware version is slightly different than the originals.  While we are at it, it would have been very nice if some config or env variable could tell VTK/ITK which version of Python/TCL package to use rather than needing to rebuild for everytime there is a new version of these.

Once again thanks for your helps,


PS  I hope Luis notices my last paragraph ;)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Karthik Krishnan" <Karthik.Krishnan at kitware.com>
To: "Arash Jahangir" <arash at vije.ca>
Cc: "Nicolaus Andratschke" <koegli at yahoo.com>; "Insight Users" <insight-users at itk.org>; "VTK users list" <vtkusers at public.kitware.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Insight-users] Re: VTK/ITK with VC8

>I am able to build fine with VS8
> You did not follow all the steps in
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/express/visualc/download/
> You need to do Step 4. (install plaatform SDK)
> Regards
> karthik
> Arash Jahangir wrote:
>> Hi  Nic,
>> I have gotten it to the point that the nightly code compiles if I 
>> limit myself to a minimal build (more problems on ITK than VTK) but in 
>> both cases the linker has issues.  Typical error message is with 
>> unresolved external symbols:
>> Error 6 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
>> __imp__DestroyWindow at 4 referenced in function "protected: virtual 
>> __thiscall itk::Win32OutputWindow::~Win32OutputWindow(void)" 
>> (??1Win32OutputWindow at itk@@MAE at XZ) ITKCommon.lib
>> I'd appreciate any help with this.
>> Arash
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Nicolaus Andratschke" 
>> <koegli at yahoo.com>
>> To: <arash at vije.ca>
>> Sent: Monday, November 28, 2005 3:04 PM
>> Subject: VTK/ITK with VC8
>>> Hi Arash,
>>> I'm facing similar problems.
>>> Actually, the c++ part compiles quite well (VTK and
>>> ITK). I'll try Python wrapping today with VTK. The
>>> Python part with ITK fails completely. BTW, I haven't
>>> succeded to build CableSwig etc. for any Windows
>>> platform. That's why I switched to Ubuntu Linux.
>>> Unfortunately, there is a problem with ITK on Windows
>>> platforms as I regularly get exceptions when handling
>>> IO, e.g. with reading and writing dicom images. I'll
>>> post a message to the list.
>>> I would appreciate any update on your problem.
>>> Conversely, I let you know when I succeded.
>>> NIC
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