[vtkusers] How to extract the geometry a small list of points in the whole vtkPolyData ??? Please Help !!!!

Bruno da Silva de Oliveira bruno at esss.com.br
Thu Nov 17 13:26:52 EST 2005

Try to use vtkImplicitDataSet to generate a known value inside you 
vtkPolyData of the human body (say, 0) and assign a different value for 
the points lying "outside" of the vtkPolyData with the nose. This way, 
you can use vtkThreshold to extract the desired data.


Deepak Roy wrote:

> hello,
> I have an open surface in the form of a vtkPolyData.
> Now my algorithm gives a list of connected points in the whole model.
> For example, if u consider the model of a human body, and say my 
> algorithm gives the list of all points on the nose in the form of 
> another vtkPolyData
> Now i want to use these list of points to extract the nose from the 
> whole vtkPolyData model of the human body.
> One thing to note, the geometry corresponding to the list of points, 
> will be connected , so no need to worry in that sense.
> Can anyone tell what filters of VTK  i can use to achieve this task ? 
> Given the list of points the filter should give me the corresponding 
> geometry extracted from the whole model. It should pull out all the 
> cells corresponding to these points.
> Can vtkClipPolyData do this ?
> I can easily create a scalar array, with label for each point if it is 
> inside or ouside my list of points. Will this be useful. OR is there 
> anyother way ?
> Please help Me !!!!!
> Bye
> Deepak
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Bruno da Silva de Oliveira
bruno at esss.com.br
ESSS - Engineering Simulation and Scientific Software

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