[vtkusers] Re: extract parts filter like in paraview

Fabian Braennstroem f.braennstroem at gmx.de
Fri Nov 4 06:34:49 EST 2005

Hi Berk,

* On 03 Nov 2005 * Berk Geveci wrote:

> If you are working with VTK 4.X, you do not need to extract parts. EnSight
> reader has multiple outputs and each output corresponds to one part. Just
> connect you pipeline to the output you are interested in. If you are working
> with VTK 5.X, EnSight reader has one multi-block output. To extract parts,
> you need to use vtkMultiGroupDataExtractGroup.

Thanks! I forgot to mention, I use 4.4. Do you mean that I
can simply acces the different parts by:

  outline = vtkStructuredGridOutlineFilter();

which would just outline part 2 of the ensight files?

Would you recommend using version 5.x or is it still to unstable?


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