[vtkusers] vtkImageActor Interpolation

mathieu coursolle mcoursolle at gmail.com
Tue May 17 16:18:49 EDT 2005

Hi everybody,

I have a little problem with the interpolation of vtkImageActor.
I create an image using vtkImageData, then use 
vtkImageMapToColors to map my image with my lookup table.
Then I set the vtkImageActor interpolation on.

The problem I have is that the interpolation seems to be done
on the color component. This cause some colors to appear which are
not in my lookup table. 

Is there a way to make the interpolation be done on the data before
the lookup table is applied?

Thanks a lot! I really need this one...

Mathieu Coursolle
Software Developper
ART Advanced Research and Technologies Inc.

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