[vtkusers] Re: linux VTK CVS build , undefined symbol: _ZTV24vtkVolumeRayCastFunction ???

Charl P. Botha cpbotha at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 10:29:30 EDT 2005

On 7/21/05, Dan White <dan at chalkie.org.uk> wrote:
> still getting the same error about
> undefined symbol: _ZTV24vtkVolumeRayCastFunction
> hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......
> any more ideas?

I'm almost stumped...

Do make sure that the __init__.py in the vtk package that you're
importing is doing an explicit import on the volumerendering kit. 
Also see if you can explicitly import only that, i.e. startup python
and do "import libvtkVolumeRenderingPython" instead of "import vtk".

All of this is just to try and get some more information on why this
is biting you.

charl p. botha http://cpbotha.net/ http://visualisation.tudelft.nl/

c.p.botha ||at|| ewi.tudelft.nl - tu delft work-related email
cpbotha ||at|| cpbotha.net - everything else

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