[vtkusers] Compiling VTK with DevCpp and MinGW

Dimitrios Andritsos jimandr at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 19 20:18:41 EDT 2005

Hello all,

I' ve been trying (unsuccessfully) to build vtk with the mingw compiler in windows. From some previous posts I saw that runing cmake via msys would work but I get an error message that: 

'LOAD_COMMAND Attempt to load command failed from file: cmVTK_WRAP_TCL2.dll'  

The process I follow is: 1)Run msys 2)Run cmakesetup (cmake -i is not working) 3)Try to generate unix makefiles.

My goal is to build *.a lib files and in general build the vtk binaries in unix format to use within the dev-cpp environment. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 
Thanks in advance!
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