[vtkusers] vtkCleanUnstructuredGrid avalaible in VTK-4.4

Peter Schmitt pschmitt at gmail.com
Thu Jul 14 17:45:18 EDT 2005

You could try vtkExtractUnstructuredGrid, as it says, "The user has
the choice of merging coincident points (Merging is on) or using the
original point set (Merging is off)."



On 7/14/05, Patrick Brockmann <Patrick.Brockmann at cea.fr> wrote:
> Hi all,
> How can I merge redundant points in a vtkUnstructuredGrid ?
> With Paraview, I can use the filter vtkCleanUgrid
> But I could not find it in the VTK-4.4 release.
> Can you confirm this ?
> Is there a way to apply a merging of points
> from my unstructured grid using VTK-4.4 API ?
> BTW, is there anyone who could provide a program
> using vtkMergePoints.
> The following python script gave me a segmentation fault.
> import vtk
> a=vtkMergePoints()
> print a.InsertPoint(0,23.,34.,45.)
> --> Seg fault
> Thks
> Patrick
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