[vtkusers] vtkCleanUnstructuredGrid avalaible in VTK-4.4

Patrick Brockmann Patrick.Brockmann at cea.fr
Thu Jul 14 13:35:34 EDT 2005

Hi all,

How can I merge redundant points in a vtkUnstructuredGrid ?

With Paraview, I can use the filter vtkCleanUgrid
But I could not find it in the VTK-4.4 release.

Can you confirm this ?
Is there a way to apply a merging of points
from my unstructured grid using VTK-4.4 API ?

BTW, is there anyone who could provide a program
using vtkMergePoints.

The following python script gave me a segmentation fault.
import vtk
print a.InsertPoint(0,23.,34.,45.)
--> Seg fault


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