[vtkusers] installing on Mac OS X

Winfried Bilgic 4Winne at web.de
Wed Jul 13 12:53:24 EDT 2005

On 13.07.2005, at 18:07, Sean McBride wrote:

> On 2005-07-13 10:49, Noecker, Angela M. said:
>> We are trying to install VTK with Tcl/TK wrapper on Mac OS X version
>> 10.3.
> Which version of Xcode do you have installed?

 From my point of view, it does not depend on which Xcode version you  
have installed. It depends which GUI framework, alias Carbon, Cocoa  
or X11 you use with VTK, and what SDK you have installed. If i  
mentioned Mr. Malaterre right, VTK needs some header files from the  
Quicktime SDK. Best preparation would be to install nearly every SDK  
avaible from the Xcode Installer Package. Just my thoughts...
My few tries finialize X11 is the best solution to get VTK running.  
Under Carbon and Cocoa the RenderWindowInteractor isn't able to catch  
all events from the mouse or keyboard. And under this circumstance,  
using wrappers like java or python (needs cocoa) don't work. X11  
seemd to be the best possibiliy to get Tcl/Tk wrapping run... look  
out for the Paraview binary from Kitware which runs under Mac OS X  
with X11 and Tcl/Tk wrapping. Best proove on that.

>> Our attempts at installing 4.2 failed so we tried 4.4.  Our
>> errors don't seem to be new to many of you on the mailing list but we
>> can't seem to follow any of the threads through to a successful
>> conclusion.  I wonder if anyone has advice as to pros/cons of  
>> installing
>> 4.4 vs. CVS (we really don't need the ability to track changes or  
>> update
>> code).  And are there any good, clear instructions for  
>> installation for
>> those of us that are totally new to this sort of thing?
> In general I have found the cvs version works much better on OS X, but
> I've never done any Tcl stuff.

To get used to VTK Compilation, i started to do some compilations  
under Windows with Microsoft Visual Studio. The next step could be in  
exchanging compiled librarys.

>> We're currently getting (illegal reference to symbol _crc32).   
>> There's
> How did you customise CMakeCache.txt versus its default settings?
> --
> ____________________________________________________________
> Sean McBride, B. Eng                 sean at rogue-research.com
> Rogue Research                        www.rogue-research.com
> Mac Software Developer              Montréal, Québec, Canada
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