[vtkusers] how to submit new code?

Dr. Daniel James White PhD dan at chalkie.org.uk
Thu Jan 13 12:06:35 EST 2005


We have coded a reader for carl zeiss .lsm files from confocal 
microscopy (vtkLSMReader)
These .lsm  files can have single images,  image stacks (3D volumes)
  several time points
and several different channels (ie red, green and magenta fluorescence)
or any combination of the above for a particular specimen.

Our reader does a pretty good job of opening many different kinds of 
.lsm file,
and reads information about the data from the header information.,
such as data extents, colour of channels etc.
and I think it is ready to be added to the VTK sources.

It serves a similar function to the DICOM reader, and is about the same 

how might we submit his code?



Dr. Daniel James White BSc. (Hons.) PhD
Bioimaging Coordinator
Nanoscience Centre and
Department of Biological and Environmental science
Division of Molecular Recognition
Ambiotica C242
PO Box  35
University of Jyväskylä
Jyväskylä FIN 40014
+358 14 260 4183 (work)
+358 468102840 (mobile)

dan at chalkie.org.uk
white at cc.jyu.fi

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