[vtkusers] vtk, wx, MacOSX

Sander Niemeijer niemeijer at science-and-technology.nl
Wed Feb 16 04:28:36 EST 2005

On dinsdag, feb 15, 2005, at 18:23 Europe/Amsterdam, Prabhu 
Ramachandran wrote:

>>>>>> "SN" == Sander Niemeijer <niemeijer at science-and-technology.nl> 
>>>>>> writes:
>     SN> visualizations. Each time a user issues a 'plot' command a new
>     SN> window (a wxWidgets frame with menu, buttons and a single
>     SN> wxVTK widget) appears and these plot windows can be closed in
>     SN> arbitrary order. The problem seems to appear when closing a
>     SN> plot window that currently doesn't have the focus (or OpenGL
>     SN> focus). But I am not entirely sure this is the cause, since I
>     SN> haven't been able to reliably reproduce the problem yet.
> And this is only under Win32?  Not on Linux?  Because I can't seem to
> reproduce this with any of my tests under Linux.

This is indeed only on Win32. I receive the VTK error in
VTK\Rendering\vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow.cxx::MakeCurrent() at line 215:
         vtkErrorMacro("wglMakeCurrent failed in MakeCurrent(), error: "
                       << (LPCTSTR)lpMsgBuf);
         ::LocalFree( lpMsgBuf );
This only happens when MakeCurrent is called from 
vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow::Clean() (i.e. when the window gets closed).

Best regards,

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