[vtkusers] Delaunay3D

John Harris lost_bits1110 at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 10 14:08:59 EDT 2005

Hi Experts,

I run the following simple pipeline as shown below, and I see the original 
geometry however I only see a bunch of points? Is this right? I thought 
Delaunay3D is supposed to triangulate so I should see a regular mesh. 
Instead it looks like a bunch of 'stars' on the black background, which are 
shaped as my original geometry
I just wanted to knwo if this makes sense?? I guess I dont fully undestand 
the purpose of Delaunay3D. Or maybe I am missing a command? Thanks for your 
help, its greatly apprecieated!

        GeometryFilter->SetInput( UnstructuredGrid );
	DecimatePro->SetInput( GeometryFilter->GetOutput() );
	DecimatePro->SetTargetReduction( 0.9 );
	Delaunay3D->SetInput( DecimatePro->GetOutput() );
	Delaunay3D->SetTolerance (0.01);
	DataSetMapper->SetInput( Delaunay3D->GetOutput() );
	Actor->SetMapper( DataSetMapper );
	Ren1->AddActor( Actor );

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