[vtkusers] vtkSCLReader, vtkContourFilter-Output

Amy Squillacote amy.squillacote at kitware.com
Mon Aug 1 08:46:56 EDT 2005

At 12:14 AM 7/30/2005, Joshua Thomas wrote:
>Hi All,
>  I am creating a pipeline in vtk  reading the data (CT Scanner vw_knee.slc)
>I created the surface using vtkContourFilter object i chose the
>density units as 75.
>I used the extra objects such as PolyDataMapper with the Actor
>Addactor GetOutput etc.,
>I set properties in the actor as ScalarVisibilityOff . I tidying up
>with vtkOutlineFilter. But i donot know how to use vtkExtractVOI for
>the sub-sampling the data. Below is the source code (vtk with Tcl)

 From the header file vtkExtractVOI.h:  (The VTK documentation is 
also available on-line at: http://www.vtk.org/doc/nightly/html/classes.html.)

   // Description:
   // Set the sampling rate in the i, j, and k directions. If the rate is >
   // 1, then the resulting VOI will be subsampled representation of the
   // input.  For example, if the SampleRate=(2,2,2), every other point will
   // be selected, resulting in a volume 1/8th the original size.

>## Now i can see the knee joint bones but not the skin. Can anyone help!

You can set more than one contour value in vtkContourFilter. The 
SetValue method takes an index and a contour value, so add something 
like the following:

contours SetValue 1 $skinValue
# You have to figure out what the correct contour value is for skin...

- Amy

>package require vtk
>package require vtkinteraction
>##To read the knee data
>## Using SCL Reader
>vtkSLCReader reader
>reader SetFileName "$VTK_DATA_ROOT/Data/vw_knee.slc"
>vtkContourFilter contours
>   contours SetInput [reader GetOutput]
>   contours SetValue 0 75
># The contour lines are mapped to the graphics
>vtkPolyDataMapper contMapper
>   contMapper SetInput [contours GetOutput]
>   contMapper SetScalarRange 0.0 1.2
>vtkActor contActor
>   contActor SetMapper contMapper
># Create outline an outline of the vw_knee data.
>vtkOutlineFilter outline
>   outline SetInput [reader GetOutput]
>vtkPolyDataMapper outlineMapper
>   outlineMapper SetInput [outline GetOutput]
>   outlineMapper ScalarVisibilityOff
>vtkActor outlineActor
>   outlineActor SetMapper outlineMapper
>   eval [outlineActor GetProperty] SetColor 1 1 1
># Create the renderer, render window, and interactor.
>vtkRenderer ren1
>vtkRenderWindow renWin
>     renWin AddRenderer ren1
>vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
>     iren SetRenderWindow renWin
># Set the background color to white.
># renderer.
>ren1 SetBackground 0.1 0.2 0.4
>ren1 AddActor contActor
>ren1 AddActor outlineActor
># Zoom in a little bit. Associate the Tk interactor popup with a user
>[ren1 GetActiveCamera] Zoom 0.8
>iren AddObserver UserEvent {wm deiconify .vtkInteract}
>iren Initialize;
># Hide the root Tk window
>wm withdraw .
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