[vtkusers] vtk42 using with Borland 5 builder

Wienand Drenth w.drenth at chello.nl
Fri Apr 8 01:14:24 EDT 2005

Hello Mario,

Thanks for the reply. I did it the way you described and somehow I 
managed to get the example code (with the Sphere) compiled!! So I was 
quite happy about that. However, next I wanted to run the program but 
that was less sucessfull. I recieved some vague dll error.
Did I do something wrong with Cmake? For that I just used the default 
settings, and when Cmake finished I just typed 'make' and things started 
compiling. What could that dll error be related to?

Thanks for your time!


Mario Medved wrote:

>Hi Wienand,
>I think that the libraries you installed are VC++ libraries and not
>I am using VTK with Borland for more than 3 years and I find it the easiest
>way to do that is to compile the VTK yourself (using CMake, this process is
>very easy). Then include the LIBS and that is all (you will not need DLLs
>anymore if you compile it with default settings).
>-----Original Message-----
>From: vtkusers-bounces at vtk.org [mailto:vtkusers-bounces at vtk.org] On Behalf
>Of Wienand Drenth
>Sent: 7. april 2005 7:24
>To: vtkusers at vtk.org
>Subject: [vtkusers] vtk42 using with Borland 5 builder
>Hello all
>I am trying to use vtk42 with Borland c++ builder.
>To do so, I downloaded the .exe file and installed the libraries etc. 
>So, in my vtk42 dir I have an include, a lib, a bin, etc subdirs. This 
>looked ok to me. I supposed I didn't have to do any further compiling 
>In order to test the libraries, I used the first example on the vtk 
>website, the one with the Sphere. I made a new Borland project 
>(equivalent to the main variant), included the required header files. 
>But it didn't work, with the linker errors below as result:
>[Linker Error] Unresolved external 'vtkSphereSource::New()' referenced 
>What did I do wrong? Since I got no errors on the inclusion of the libs 
>and include files, I suppose that part went well.
>I hope someone did solve this problem, and I would appreciate very much 
>any tips and hints so I can go further with my projects!
>Many thanks in advance!
>Wienand Drenth
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