[vtkusers] Problem upgrading from VTK3.1 (UG+Field)

Gil gil at femplusplus.com
Tue Oct 26 04:35:00 EDT 2004

Hi Amy,

When I DeepCopy the displacements array from the field, 
vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter tells me :
C:\martink\vtk42\VTK\Graphics\vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter.cxx, line 
vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter (0x00619AD0): Can't find array requested"
Any Idea?
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Amy Henderson" <amy.henderson at kitware.com>
To: "Gil at FEMplusplus.com" <gil at femplusplus.com>; "vtkusers" 
<vtkusers at vtk.org>
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 11:26 PM
Subject: Re: [vtkusers] Problem upgrading from VTK3.1 (UG+Field)

> Hi Gil,
> Maybe you've seen this already, this section of the VTK FAQ (now in the 
> VTK wiki) should be of help to you: 
> http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK_FAQ#Changes_in_VTK_between_3.2_and_4.0. In VTK 
> 4.2, vtkPointData is a subclass of vtkFieldData. The SetFieldData method 
> has been removed. Try using ShallowCopy or DeepCopy instead.
> - Amy
> At 05:08 PM 10/25/2004, Gil at FEMplusplus.com wrote:
>>When upgrading an old application from VTK3.1 to VTK4.2 I get the 
>>following error:
>>"...could not find the requested method: SetFieldData...  while executing 
>>[[Ureader GetOutput] GetPointData] SetFieldData $f"
>>What the program tries to do is to read an Unstructured grid and its 
>>results field from different files, and display the deformed grid (and 
>>eventually other results).
>>Searching the lists, I know that there have been many changes in the 
>>FieldData area, but couldn't figure how to change the code.
>>A simplified tcl file+data files are attached.
>>Can anyone help?
>>Email: <mailto:gil at femplusplus.com>gil at femplusplus.com
>>This is the private VTK discussion list.
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