[vtkusers] texture map to cube

dean.inglis at camris.ca dean.inglis at camris.ca
Thu May 6 20:04:18 EDT 2004

>What you need is an image which is an unfolded cube and then write a
>texturemaptocube which computes the texture coords correctly

      | +Z |
 | -X | -Y | +X | +Y |
      | -Z |

>like this, then compute the texcoords from the offsets. Is that what you're
>trying to do?

JB, John thanks for your responses.

yep, that's what I'm trying to do.  I fiddled about with a modified
to experiment with a vtkCubeSource, but it appears I'll have to implement
vtkTextureMapToCube.  I'm trying to develop a corner orientation marker to
make vtkPVAxesWidget more general: e.g.,
currently there is

vtkPVAxesActor axesActor
vtkPVAxesWidget widget
  widget SetAxesActor axesActor

but what I envision is

vtkCubeOrientationActor cubeOrienter
vtkOrientationMarkerWidget widget
widget SetOrientationMarker cubeOrienter
vtkAxesOrientationActor axesOrienter
widget SetOrientationMarker axesOrienter

I'll keep tinkering...(unless someone on VolView
wants to give me a hint :)


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