[vtkusers] quadratic cell types

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com
Thu Mar 11 09:50:25 EST 2004

ursula.goette at philips.com wrote:
> Dear all,
> I do have some question regarding the cell types 22 and 24.
> Are they fully supported by all routines in VTK?
> Can I use them, for example, with vtkExtractGeometry?
> I do have the feeling that some functions do not support
> these cell types.

Could you provide us with some examples that produce crash, incorrect 
result ? Please send such example as :
- steps in paraview
- python code
- tcl code
- cxx code
- patch !

	As John Platt said he provide us with tons of patch/suggestions and I 
believe everything should work.

	Quad triangle and Quad tetra are really robust.


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