[vtkusers] more local control for thin plate transform

mail.ru patalog at mail.ru
Mon Mar 1 08:46:53 EST 2004

Hello Tim,


TH> TPS warps are global by their nature. Perhaps with a different kernel you
TH> can obtain a more local warp.

TH> Otherwise, consider using vtkGridTransform or similar?

First of all, thanks for your answer.

Maybe you give me an example of using vtkGridTransform,
concerning my problem?
I'm novice at vtk and many things in it not so clearly for me...

I understand that I have to use vtkTransformToGrid class first, to produce a
grid from TPS and than use vtkGridTransform class.
But I not completely understand what do SetGridOrigin, SetGridExtent,
SetGridSpacing members of vtkTransformToGrid class meant for?
In vtk documentation there are only
"Get/Set the extent of the grid", "Get/Set the origin of the grid" and
so on...
But what does it mean? What values I have to pass to these functions?

Best regards,
 Dmitry Gurulev                            mailto: patalog at mail.ru

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