[vtkusers] What am i doing wrong

Henry J. Karpf hjkarpf at sandia.gov
Thu Jun 24 16:34:02 EDT 2004

Well I am trying to compile a program and I get:
mpicc -O -g -I /usr/include -DLINUX -DVF_MPI -DLAM_BUILDING 
-I../../external/vtk/include -Wno-deprecated -c cell_surface.c
mpiCC  -g -L/usr/local/lf9561/lib -L../../external/lib/linux 
-L../../external/vtk/lib chisel.o hash.o levelset.o surfs.o cells.o 
functions.o zoltan.o view_factors.o btrm.o timer.o chemkindata.o 
chemkin.o io.o transform.o btrm_solver.o update_aztec.o update_direct.o 
vtkOut.o fortran.o myface.o skrat2.o
cell_surface.o    -lzoltan -lzoltan_mem -lzoltan_comm -lmpi -llam 
-lVFmp_dp -lchemkin -lfj9i6 -lfj9f6 -lfj9e6 -laztecoo -lepetra -lkomplex 
-ltriutils -ly12m -llapack -lblas -lifpack -lg2c -ldlu -lvtkCommon 
-lvtkexpat -lvtkFiltering -lvtkfreetype -lvtkftgl -lvtkGraphics 
-lvtkImaging -lvtkIO -lvtkjpeg -lvtkpng -lvtkRendering -lvtktiff 
-lvtkzlib -lm -o ../chisel_linux
In function `vtkDynamicLoader::OpenLibrary(char const*)':
: undefined reference to `dlopen'
In function `vtkDynamicLoader::CloseLibrary(void*)':

I link in the files, and yet i get all these erros, the list is actually 
about 10 times as long as above, any advice?
--Henry Karpf

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