[vtkusers] VISAN

de Boer Ingo I.deBoer at polytec.de
Tue Jun 15 05:04:28 EDT 2004


is dead...


Dr.-Ing. Ingo H. de Boer

Polytec GmbH
Polytec-Platz 1-7, 76337 Waldbronn, Germany
phone: ++49 7243 604 106
fax  : ++49 7243 604 255
> Dear VTK users,
> At our company we have been working on a free open source cross 
> platform visualization and analysis application called VISAN. 
> The BEAT 
> project in which this application was developed was funded by the 
> European Space Agency and is targeted at scientists that want 
> to access 
> and visualize data coming from atmospheric monitoring 
> instruments that 
> fly on the ENVISAT satellite <http://envisat.esa.int/>. Only recently 
> we provided a first release of the VISAN application and you can 
> download this application freely from our website 
> (<http://www.science-and-technology.nl/beat/>) (registration is 
> optional).
> The VISAN application was build using several freely available open 
> source toolkits. We used a combination of wxPython (, Python 
> (2.3.3), Numarray (0.9), and of course VTK (4.4.2).
> In order to get the functionality we wanted we made two powerful 
> extensions to VTK:
> The first extension is a complete overhaul of the 
> vtkXYPlotActor class. 
> The mayor change is the addition of a vtkInteractorStyleXYPlot class 
> that allows you to interact with your X/Y plot (you can zoom and pan 
> the data in your plot). But we also added logarithmic axis, better 
> automatic tick position calculation, and a lot more.
> The second extension is a vtkProj2DFilter class. This class uses the 
> PROJ library to map latitude/longitude coordinates to a series of 
> different 2D projections or a 3D projection. This class has 
> the ability 
> to cut lines and polygons if they cross the boundaries of 
> your map and 
> can also interpolate line segments in order to get proper curves on 
> your 2D map.
> In addition we have also added several VTK support classes. 
> For example 
> a vtkGSHHSReader class for ingesting GSHHS data 
> <http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/wessel/gshhs/gshhs.html>.
> Furthermore, I recently noticed a lot of questions on the 
> mailing list 
> regarding the combination of Python, VTK, and a GUI toolkit. 
> For those 
> users that would like to get this working, the source distribution of 
> VISAN may be a good starting point. We have added an almost automatic 
> build system for Linux and Mac OS X and step by step build 
> instructions 
> for Windows (using VC++ 6.0).

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