[vtkusers] graphical bug in windows

de Boer Ingo I.deBoer at polytec.de
Tue Jun 15 04:14:18 EDT 2004


download the latest chipset driver from VIA or NVIDIA...
And there should definitely be a more uptodate drive from NVIDIA!

Maybe update your BIOS or even the BIOS of you graphicscard...

This might sound much, but it works for most of the graphics
cards I tested and it is also stated in a ATI forum: Update all
BIOS, chipset drivers, than install the latest graphic driver...


Dr.-Ing. Ingo H. de Boer

Polytec GmbH
Polytec-Platz 1-7, 76337 Waldbronn, Germany
phone: ++49 7243 604 106
fax  : ++49 7243 604 255

> My system:
>     windows xp pro version 2002 service pack 1
>     NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5200  32MB
>        driver version (11/20/2003)
>        bios version

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