[vtkusers] vtkDelaunay2D

Cedric Marchessoux cedric.marchessoux at agfa.com
Tue Jun 1 05:40:51 EDT 2004

Dear vtkusers,

As you can see in the attached file (example.jpg).

I have some points in green color and I want to reconstruct the surface,
nevertheless this surface reconstructed by the vtkDelaunay2D object is not

I would like to close the surface and I know the position of limits, edges

Could you tell if there is a specific way with "vtkDelaunay2D" ?


(See attached file: example.jpg)


Dr, Phd,
Marie Curie Fellow, post doctorate
Agfa Gevaert, RDM/Physics & Analytics
+ 32 (0) 3 444 3077,
cedric.marchessoux at agfa.com
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