[vtkusers] How to extract isosurfaces from a series of 2D slices?
安 继业
an_jiye at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 8 07:34:38 EST 2004
I have taken a look at the Examples\Medical\Cxx\Medical2.cxx. Now I got the
idea that I can extract multiple isosurfaces use vtkContourFilter and
display them together. But I have some questions.
1. The example use a vtkVolume16Reader to generate the input data. My input
data is a series of 2D slices of DICOM format. Now I can read each slice
separately and get a 2D array to store the actural data of each slice. Then
how can I create an vtkImageData object from these 2D data arrays? I write
the following codes according to the VTK user's guide:
// Create the image data
vtkImageData *source = vtkImageData::New();
source->SetDimensions(64, 64, 93);
// Fill in scalar values
unsigned int *ptr = (unsigned int *)source->GetScalarPointer();
... ...
Here I don't know how to fill the scalar array with the actural image data.
The dimentions of vtkImageData structure is X*Y*Z, then how does the scalar
pointer points to the data? I guess it should be start from the top left
corner of the first slice image. Then the ptr++ statement will let the
pointer goes along the X axis. After the first line has been traversed(ptr
has been increased by X), the pointer will goes to the first point of the
second line. ... After the first slice image has been traversed(ptr has
been increased by X*Y), the pointer will goes to the first point of the
second slice, that is, I need add one to the Z axis.
Am I right?
2.The example use vtkContourFilter::SetValue(...) to extract isosurface
from the input data. By passing 500 to extract skin and 1150 to extract
bone. The my question comes, does it means I must know the exact scalar
value of the isosurface I am going to extract?
Since my slice images are from a CT scan, the value of the pixels ranges
from 0 to 65535 at most. I am interested some surfaces from the slices,
include the body, some organs. For example, the outline of the body may be
a closed curve in one slice. But the scalar value along this curve may not
be constant. Then how should I extract these surfaces and display them?
I have also thinked of the following method. First manually contour each
slice. To simplify the process, imagining draw two circles inside each
slice. Circle A is bigger and circle B is inside A. Then if I do the
following work to each slice: assign scalar value zero to the regions
outside circle A, assign one to the regions between A and B, and assign two
to the regions inside B, can I extract the two isosurfaces represent A and
B from the contoured fake data?
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