[vtkusers] Getting verts and lines from polydata source

Alex Lear alear at cns.montana.edu
Fri Aug 27 17:15:18 EDT 2004

I am using a vtkCubeSource to create a cube but I would like to get just the verts and lines from it to make a wireframe basically.  So far I have tried to create a vtkPolyData and use the GetVerts() from the GetOutput() from the cube source and SetVerts() on the vtkPolyData.  I do this for the lines as well.  This didn't work for me so I tried a GetNumberOfVerts() and GetNumberOfLines() on the GetOutput() from the cube source and both resulted in zero.

Can someone see what I'm doing wrong or how I can accomplish what I'm trying to do.  If any of this is confusing I can include a code chunk.

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