[vtkusers] vtk application ends with error

William A. Hoffman billlist at nycap.rr.com
Thu Aug 26 09:09:02 EDT 2004

That ESP error is usually caused by out of date object files.
I would recommend removing all of your compiled VTK and user code,
and rebuilding everything from scratch.   If that does not work,
you may want to try a tool like bounds checker or purify, because the
the problem is most likely a memory overrun in your code.  The only other
thing it could be is the OpenGL driver.   You could also try updating the
driver for your graphics card, but I doubt that is the problem.


At 08:27 AM 8/26/2004, Petru Pau wrote:
>Merci beaucoup, Aurelien!
>Indeed, I am only working with the Visual Studio debugger.
>It showed me some line of a C file that does not belong to VTK,
>but I did not know what to do with this information. Anyway,
>the call stak showed that the final function had been called
>from a VTK class, so the vtk mailing list was the logical place
>to ask the question.
>Actually every now and then, more often than not, my application ends
>with an error. If it is not the one that I've already reported, it's a "Run-Time
>Check Failure #0: The value of ESP was not properly saved across a function call."
>This apparently happens when I call a function declared with one calling convention
>with a function pointer declared with another pointer convention.
>This always happens _after_ I play with a render window (modify
>its size), and the debugger throws me in vtkopenglrenderer.cxx,
>namely in the code of "Clear" function of the vtkOpenGLRenderer
>class. The sentence is:
>glClearDepth( (GLclampd)( 1.0 ) );
>so I reckon that the pointer that messes things up is GLclampd. Can
>I do anything about this?
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