[vtkusers] please a little help for a novice..

Yann Yann yanncdgay at yahoo.fr
Tue Apr 27 05:44:13 EDT 2004

Hi, I'm novice in vtk and paraview and I need a little help.
I would like to subdivide a face in several faces, ie
divide a surface (as a rectangle for example) in 6 little surfaces ( 6 rectangles 3 x 2 for example) and extract all these faces :
_______________             _______________
|                          |           |           |              |
|                          |           |______|________|
|                          |   -->    |           |              ||                          |           |______|________|
|_______________|           |______|________|
Surface0     -->   Surface1
                         Surface3                         Surface4
                         Surface5                          Surface6

Then, for each new faces, we will create a new mesh (unstructured grid or Delaunay for example). So we could have, from one face, 6 independent sub-faces which have their own dataset an their own data (point data for example).
I try first to start with the class vtkClipDataSet.
Is there an existing class which could do this ?
If not, from which class can I start ?
Thanks a lot

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