[vtkusers] Constrained Delaunay Problem

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com
Fri Apr 23 10:06:16 EDT 2004


	Is it possible that you share with us your particular dataset you used 
for that ? And if possible please include a small demo code that 
repdruce the bug.


Paul Tait wrote:
> this is my stack after I get a C0000005 access violations
> the line marked ** causes the problem -842150451 in hex is 0xCDCDCDCD 
> which is microsofts way of telling you that the variable is un-initialised
> so the second time FindTriangle is called newNei has not been set
> I have recently increased the numbers of points defining my constrained 
> poly. If this has something to do with it, what is the solution. Perhaps 
> something to do with SetTolerance() ?
> Thanks Paul Tait
> return this->FindTriangle(x,ptIds,newNei,tol,nei,neighbors);
> vtkUnsignedCharArray::GetValue(const int -842150451) line 112 + 23 bytes
> vtkCellTypes::GetCellType(int -842150451) line 89 + 29 bytes
> vtkPolyData::GetCellPoints(int -842150451, int & -858993460, int * & 
> 0xcccccccc) line 1041 + 18 bytes
> ** vtkDelaunay2D::FindTriangle(double * 0x0012f4e4, int * 0x0012f518, 
> int -842150451, double 10.376174632301, int * 0x0012f4fc, vtkIdList * 
> 0x12bc2ef8) line 135
> vtkDelaunay2D::FindTriangle(double * 0x0012f4e4, int * 0x0012f518, int 
> 0, double 10.376174632301, int * 0x0012f4fc, vtkIdList * 0x12bc2ef8) 
> line 214
> vtkDelaunay2D::Execute() line 428 + 48 bytes
> vtkSource::ExecuteData(vtkDataObject * 0x12b95168) line 136 + 16 bytes
> vtkSource::UpdateData(vtkDataObject * 0x12b95168) line 395 + 20 bytes
> vtkDataObject::UpdateData() line 373 + 26 bytes
> vtkSource::UpdateData(vtkDataObject * 0x12b95680) line 339 + 23 bytes
> vtkDataObject::UpdateData() line 373 + 26 bytes
> vtkDataObject::Update() line 254 + 13 bytes
> vtkMapper::Update() line 347 + 24 bytes
> vtkPolyDataMapper::Update() line 105
> vtkPolyDataMapper::GetBounds() line 119 + 16 bytes
> vtkActor::GetBounds() line 322 + 34 bytes
> vtkFrustumCoverageCuller::Cull(vtkRenderer * 0x12b5a590, vtkProp * * 
> 0x12d7de68, int & 3, int & 0) line 98 + 22 bytes
> vtkRenderer::AllocateTime() line 402 + 41 bytes
> vtkRenderer::Render() line 229
> vtkRendererCollection::Render() line 54 + 16 bytes
> vtkRenderWindow::DoStereoRender() line 621
> vtkRenderWindow::DoFDRender() line 606 + 16 bytes
> vtkRenderWindow::DoAARender() line 500 + 16 bytes
> vtkRenderWindow::Render() line 327 + 16 bytes
> Fpm3D::WindowProc(unsigned int 256, unsigned int 33, long 21561345) line 
> 1303 + 28 bytes
> ---
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